Донецкий государственный университет
Международный интеграционный форум
Международный интеграционный форум
Donetsk National University holds the 2nd International Integrational Forum “The Russian world and Donbass: from cooperation to the integration of education, science, innovation and culture” during 27-30 October 2020.
THE FORUM’S AIM is analysing and defining the methods of solving the topical problems of preserving and further developing the scientific and educational, cultural and informational space shared by Donbass and Russia.
The programme of the FORUM includes reports, lectures and workshops involving the invited scientists and scholars from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, South Ossetia, the Lugansk People’s Republic and other countries, the opening of the DonNU Military Historical Centre, the session of the Regional Department of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Art and Culture.
The organization committee of the FORUM invites to participate scientists, scholars, lecturers, teachers and students of scientific and educational institutions, officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the mass media and others.
After the aforementioned events, the Proceedings of the FORUM are to be published with their further registration in the RSCI.
Website: http://donnu.ru/international-activity/forum.
For enquiries: rus.mir.conf@donnu.ru.