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Вестник Донецкого национального университета. Серия Б: Гуманитарные науки

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Information about the journal
"Bulletin of Donetsk National University.
Series B: Humanities"

The journal "Bulletin of DonNU. Series B: Humanities" was founded in 1997. The journal publishes the results of research in the field of history, pedagogy and philosophy. Previously unpublished articles in Russian and English are accepted for consideration and publication. The publication is intended for a wide range of scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of natural science specialties.

The journal has the following sections:

  • History;
  • Philosophy;
  • Pedagogy.

ISSN 2524-0285

ISSN 2524-0285

The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published (Order № 1134 от 01.11.2016). The journal is registered as the media of the DPR (certificate No. 363 of 18.01.2016). 

The journal accepts for publication articles on the following branches of sciences:

  • 07.00.00 - Historical sciences and archeology;
  • 09.00.00 - Philosophical sciences;
  • 13.00.00 - Pedagogical sciences.

The authors of the journal are both leading scientists and novice researchers (teachers, graduate students). All articles undergo the procedure of both internal review, mainly by members of the editorial board, and external.

Editorial staff of the journal
Donetsk National University, 24 Universitetskaya str., Donetsk, 283001, DPR.
Tel.:  +7 856 302-92-33
E-mail: emeljanova.n.n@bk.ru, razumnyi.vitalii@yandex.ru