Requirements and recommendations for the preparation of articles for the journal
"Financial and economic research"
Rules for authors
1. Articles written in Russian or English that have not previously been published and have not been submitted for publication to other publications (including electronic ones) are accepted for publication.
2. The author is responsible for the reliability of information, accuracy of citations and links to official documents and other sources.
3. All articles undergo a review process and check for originality of the text. The final decision on publication, publication after revision, or rejection of the article is made by the editorial board.
4. The editors do not charge authors for the preparation, placement and printing of materials.
Article formatting rules
The article must include the following necessary elements:
- problem statement;
- analysis of the latest research and publications on the problem under consideration; highlighting issues that are not resolved in the problem chosen for research;
- purpose of the article (statement of the problem);
- presentation of the main material of the article;
- results and conclusions of this study; prospects for further research;
- list of references (submitted as a general list at the end of the article in the order of references in the text in the original language in accordance with the current GOST. A link to a particular work must be indicated in the text in square brackets; works of authors whose names are mentioned in the text must be in the list of references );
- the article was received by the editor (day, month, year).
The article is submitted in one copy, printed on one side of A4 paper. The volume of the article is 8-12 pages, including figures, tables, and bibliography. The main text of the article: font Times New Roman Cyr, size 12, 1.0 spacing, margins on all sides - 20mm.
Illustrative materials must be of high quality and have a title and numbering. The numbering of formulas must be given in parentheses and executed in generally accepted mathematical symbols, in the MathType editor.
Graphs and figures must have continuous numbering and be editable.
All figures and tables must be in portrait orientation; landscape orientation is not permitted.
Articles must contain metadata that includes:
- UDC article
- surname and initials of the author, scientific degree and scientific title, position, place of work (in Russian, English);
- title of the article (in Russian, English) - font Times New Roman Cyr 14 in capital letters, bold, centered;
- abstract (in Russian, English) - Times New Roman Cyr 12 font, up to 8 lines;
- key words and phrases (in Russian, English), no more than 10;
- information on the number of figures, tables and literature (fig., table, lit.).
Submitted to the editor:
1. Materials must be provided printed on paper and in electronic form.
2. Information about the author (authors): first name, patronymic, last name, title, academic degree, position and place of work - all in the original language and in English, address for correspondence (with postal code), office and/or mobile phones , Email.
The editors reserve the right to edit and shorten, as well as literary correction of the article (while maintaining the main conclusions and style of the author). Materials provided will not be returned.
More detailed information on the requirements for the design of copyright materials can be found in the attached file.