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Editorial policy

Copyright. The journal "Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series B. Economics and Law" is in open free access, which assumes that users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, and find the full texts of the journal's articles by link without the prior permission of the publisher and author.

Publication fees. Submission, review, editing and publication of articles in the journal "Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series B. Economics and Law" are free. No royalties are provided.

Deposit policy. In accordance with the rules of the open access license to the journal, authors have the right to send the final published version of their article to institutional and/or centralized archives immediately after its publication, provided that the journal is indicated as the original place of publication and the conditions for correct citation are met. Authors are also encouraged to provide the e-mail addresses of published articles along with the PDF version.

Archival policy. The archival policy is aimed at selecting, storing and providing access to the archives of the journal "Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series B. Economics and Law". The archival policy involves the implementation of two main goals:
to register and publish articles in accordance with professional standards;
to provide wide access to archived material, which is provided for by publishing practice.

The Archive contains the texts of peer-reviewed articles, annotations and references to them. These materials are of great scientific value, because they contain descriptions of the most significant results of the conducted research. Full-text articles published in the Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series B. Economics and Law" are posted on the journal's page, as well as on the platforms of the Scientific Electronic Library "eLIBRARY.RU " and other aggregators.

Self-archiving policy. Authors have the right to post their peer-reviewed works on personal websites and databases, indicating the name and number of the journal in which the article was published. In this regard, we recommend using the publishing PDF version or making a link to it.

Anti-plagiarism policy. The journal publishes only original high-quality scientific papers that have not been published before and have not been submitted for publication in another journal. If fragments from other works are used, the author(s) must include references to sources in the text of the article or obtain permission from the previous publisher or copyright owner. Articles with plagiarism are not allowed to be published. If, after verification, the presence of plagiarism is found in the article, the author, the relevant institute and the financing organization (if any) will be sent notifications of refusal to publish for the above reason.

Claims review policy. Direct contacts are the main and most preferred way to resolve disputes between the editorial board, authors and third parties in the process of reviewing articles and preparing them for publication, as well as in relation to already published articles. If there are any complaints, it is necessary to send an appeal to the editor-in-chief by e-mail (krasnova2008.08@mail.ru ) or the postal address of the journal (283015, Donetsk, Chelyuskintsev str., 186, 7 building, Faculty of Economics, to the editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series B. Economics and Law"). The letter must specify the disputed issue, the circumstances, the name of the person and/or the product in respect of which the claims are being made. All claims are reviewed within a month. When resolving disputes, the editorial board follows the accepted publication ethics.