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Вестник Донецкого национального университета. Серия А: Естественные науки

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1. For publication in the journal “Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Series A: Natural Sciences”, previously unpublished scientific papers containing new results of theoretical and experimental research in mathematics, mechanics, chemistry and biology are accepted. Articles submitted for publication in other journals are not accepted for consideration.

The decision to publish is made by the editorial board of the journal after reviewing, taking into account the scientific significance and relevance of the submitted materials. If the review is positive, but contains comments and suggestions, the editors send the articles to the authors for revision along with the comments of the reviewer. The author must answer the reviewer on all points of the review. After such revision, the editorial board decides to publish the article. In case of rejection of the article, the editorial board sends the reviewers or excerpts from them to the authors, or a reasoned letter from the editor. The editorial board does not enter into discussion with the authors of rejected articles, except in cases of obvious misunderstanding. Manuscripts will not be returned to authors. An article delayed for more than three months or requiring re-processing is considered as newly received.

Review articles are prepared by order of the editorial board or at the initiative of the authors. In the case of the initiative of the authors, they send a letter of proposal to the editorial office together with an abstract of the review and an indication of the approximate volume and the estimated number of references to the literature. If the application is approved by the editorial board, the authors prepare and send the text of the review article.

2. The manuscript is submitted in one copy (in Russian or English), printed on one side of a sheet of A4 paper (the copy is signed by the authors). The volume of a manuscript, as a rule, should not exceed 10 pages (for a review article - 25), including figures, tables, bibliography. Together with the manuscript, a CD-disk with the full text of the article and separate additional electronic files indicated below (in WORD format, Office 97–2010) or files are submitted by e-mail. The main text of the article - font Times New Roman, size 12 pt., Justified; summary, bibliography, tables, captions - Times New Roman font, size 10 pt. No automatic hyphenation. Formulas, their components and all variables in the text and separately in lines are typed only using the formula editor Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType 5.0–6.0; text and variable - in italics, matrix and vector - in bold italic; Size: 12 pt., 9 pt., 7 pt., 18 pt., 12 pt. (normal, index, small index, large character, small character - respectively). Each formula is separated from the main text by an interval of 6 points. Mirror margins: top - 30 mm, bottom - 30 mm, inside - 30 mm, outside - 20 mm. Line spacing is single. Paragraph indent - 1 cm.

3. The text of the manuscript must comply with the following structural scheme: UDC index in the upper left corner of the page; TITLE of the article - bold, centered (in capital letters without word wrap); copyright, year, initials and surnames of the authors, bold, italic, on the left margin, an abstract of up to 100 words, should briefly reflect the subject of the article, the research methods used and the main results obtained by the authors, and end with keywords (up to 10 words, separated from each a friend with a semicolon); introduction (formulation of the problem in general and connection with the most important scientific and practical problems, analysis of recent studies and publications, in which the solution of this problem was started and on which the author relies, highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem, which the article is devoted to, formulation of the goals of the article); the main part (which sets out the main research materials with full justification of the scientific results obtained), as a rule, contains the following structural elements: problem statement, solution method (experimental technique), analysis of the results; conclusions on this study (briefly and clearly summarizes the main results obtained by the authors and the prospects for further research in this direction); BIBLIOGRAPHY. Below is the title of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors, abstract, keywords in English (translation). At the end of the article, the following information about the authors must be indicated: surname, name, patronymic of all authors in full (in Russian and English); academic degree and title (in Russian and English); the full name of the organization - the place of work of each author in the nominative case, country, city (in Russian and English); each author's email address; correspondent postal address and telephone number for contacts. Additionally, the title of the article is placed (in lowercase letters, the first one is uppercase) in Russian and English. The pages of the manuscript should be sequentially numbered. All numerical values ​​of physical quantities are expressed in SI. In decimal fractions, the integer part must be separated from the decimal point, not a period. For text material, the present tense is used (except for referring to previous articles).

4. Figures and tables are located in the text strictly within the printed field of portrait orientation of pages after the first mention. All text information in the figures should be clear and legible and not have unnecessary details (for example, “secondary” marks on the coordinate axes, etc., are not allowed on the graphs). It must be ensured that after a possible reduction to 80 mm, the height of letters and numbers in the figure remains at least 2 mm. Each figure has a caption (not aligned with the figure), and the table has a title (alignment - centered). All figures and tables should be sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals. It is advisable to attach illustrative material in graphic format JPG, TIFF, BMP, etc. (graphics - black and white, with a resolution of 300 dpi; photographs - in grayscale, 300 dpi) as separate files with the names ris1, ris2, .... Scanned pictures are not accepted.

5. Formulas are centered and, if necessary, have continuous numbering along the right edge. Only those formulas that are referenced in the text should be numbered.

6. The list of literature sources (LIST OF REFERENCES) is given by a general list at the end of the manuscript in the order of references in the text (and not in alphabetical order) in the original language in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003“ Bibliographic record. Bibliographic Description" and GOST 7.05-2008" Bibliographic Reference". The source link is given in square brackets. Links are allowed only to published works. It is necessary to include in the list as many fresh primary sources as possible on the issue under study (no more than three to four years ago). You should not limit yourself to citing works belonging to only one group of authors or research group. References to modern foreign publications are desirable. Articles that do not contain links to work that came out within the last decade are usually automatically considered as not meeting editorial requirements.

7. The article is accompanied by a letter of application from the organization, information about the authors (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, postal address, telephone, E-mail).

8. Manuscripts that do not meet editorial requirements and articles that do not correspond to the subject matter of the journal are not accepted for consideration.

9. The editorial board reserves the right to carry out editorial editing of manuscripts. In case of refusal to publish articles, the editorial board does not return the manuscript of the article to the author. Proofreading of articles is not sent to authors.

10. Authors are not charged for the publication of articles.

Materials are submitted to the address: 83001, Donetsk, st. Universitetskaya, 24.
Contact phone: (062) 302-09-92.
E-mail:  vestnikdonnu_a@mail.ru

Access to electronic versions of the journal for the period 2008–2014. available on the website bibl. named after V.I. Vernadsky http://nbuv.gov.ua/node/1539 section Scientific periodicals