Донецкий государственный университет
Донецкий национальный университет
Журнал исторических, политологических и международных исследований
Журнал исторических, политологических и международных исследований
The scientific articles for publication in the “Journal of History, Politics and International Studies" must meet certain formal requirements for both the design and content.
After writing a scientific article, we advise you to check its originality by antiplagiat.ru service.
The scientific article should have a limited wordage (7 - 20 typewritten pages), page format – A4, portrait orientation, all margins at 2 cm, Times New Roman, color – black, size of font – 14; interval 1), references in square brackets.
Manuscript copy of the article in duplicate, printed on one side of a sheet (one copy signed by all authors), shall be sent to the editorial office at the address: 24, Universitetskaya st., Donetsk, 83001, Donetsk national University, faculty of history (editorial board of the "Journal of History, Politics and International Studies"). Electronic variant of article shall be sent to the editorial office by e-mail:
or on electronic media (flash card, CD or DVD).
Copies of all materials are retained by the authors.
Sending of a manuscript automatically implies acceptance of the author for publication of the manuscript and acceptance of the rules of publication in the journal.
The original articles relevant to the journal shall be accepted for publication.
The author of the manuscript ensures that it does not violate the laws on the protection of copyright and other legislation and accepts responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the information contained in the article.
The manuscript submitted to the journal should be carefully edited, all the data, names, quotes, bibliography should be verified.
The section of Main text of the article can be divided into an Introductory part, Brief description of publications on the selected topic (historiography), Material of the research (content), Conclusions. These subsections highlight the text you need. It is desirable that the logic of the presentation in the article was close to that structure.
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UDC code
· The introductory part. The rationale and expediency of development of the topic (a scientific problem or task) should be justified. What is the novelty of the research. The meaning of scientific facts in theory and practice.
· In the main part of the article, through analysis and synthesis of information, it is necessary to disclose the questions of study, their solutions, and justification of results and their reliability. The scientific article should be issue-oriented, should demonstrate conflicting views on the development of scientific (practical) knowledge and contain summary data.
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Add a review to the article, signed by a specialist, that has a degree in this field of scientific knowledge and publications on the subject of your studies (certified at the place of his work).
The final decision on publication shall be made by the editorial board. Articles that are not accepted for publication shall not be returned and shall not be reviewed.
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With the subsequent publication of materials in other publications, the author should make a reference to the primary publication in the "Journal of History, Politics and International Studies" (number, year, pages).
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Example of design of an article.
UDC 94:355.422.1(477.6) «16/31 августа 1943»
I. I. Ivanov
Doctor of historical sciences, professor, …. of Donetsk state university
e-mail 2123@gmail.ru
Troops of the Southwestern Front in the Donbass offensive operation: August 16-31, 1943
In the article ….
Keywords: ………………………………………….
[English variant of the abstract…and keywords..]
…(Text of the article)
Literature and Sources:
The editorial board reserves the right to shorten and correct the accepted papers, as well as to reject them if they do not meet the scope of the journal or these rules for manuscript preparation.
Correspondence with the authors shall not be conducted.
The author’s royalty shall not be paid.
The manuscripts and their electronic media shall not be returned to the authors.
On a separate sheet of printout and the electronic file attached to the article:
Data about the author (authors, if the article is written in co-authorship):