Guidelines for authors
The scientific journal "Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics" accepts for consideration and placement previously unpublished articles with new results of original theoretical and experimental research, as well as generalizing and review articles on the problems of theoretical mechanics and dynamics of machines, mechanics of deformable solids, mathematical modeling and numerical methods in mechanics, of geomechanics, rock destruction, mine aerogasdynamics and mining thermal physics. The works are published only after peer review.
The volume of the article can be up to 20 pages.
The text of the article can be prepared in Russian or English.
To set the article, the LaTex2e macro package is used with the use of style files and an example (sample.tex), which can be downloaded from the site.
At the beginning of the article, the UDC index \ udk {} is indicated.
This is followed by the full title of the article \ title. The name that will be displayed in the headers and footers must be indicated in the second brackets. Its size must not exceed 75 characters.
The full title of the article \ titleeng, translated into English, follows.
Further – the initials and surname of each of the authors in Russian \ author and in English \ authoreng languages.
The next field to be filled in is the date the article was submitted to the editor \ date.
The text of the article is preceded by a short annotation with keywords (no more than 6 words, typed with a small letter) no more than 1/3 of the journal page in size. The translation of the annotation and keywords into English is typed separately \ abstracteng {} (for annotation), kweng {} (for keywords).
When preparing the file, avoid using new command sequences such as \ newcommand, \ def, \ newtheorem, etc. It is also highly undesirable to use space and indentation characters (\ vskip, \ medskip, etc.).
References to formulas, literature, theorems, consequences ... are indicated by a number.
The list of references should contain bibliographic information about all publications mentioned in the article, and should not contain references to works that are not referenced in the text.
Tables are placed in the text of the article, the number and title are indicated above the table.
All figures, diagrams and illustrations should be numbered and titled. Drawings and diagrams must be of good quality and built in graphic editors in one of the formats PNG, PS, EPS, JPG. The caption text is placed under the picture. The name of the files containing the figures must consist of the name of the first author and the number in order.
To the e-mail address of the editorial office ( the authors submit:
- an article file in TEX format, made according to the above requirements;
- article file in PDF format;
- completed file Author Info.doc
Attached files:
Rules for authors
Style files and example