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Studia Germanica, Romanica et Comparatistica

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© 2016 A. V. Drozdov


The article shows the development of names of meals in British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand English and Caribbean English mesolect. In British English there are two living meal-naming paradigms with a clearly-cut sociolinguistic difference between them. For naming meals different national Englishes use secondary nomination ways such as synechdoche.

Key words: meals, primary national variety, development, paradigm, common core, borrowing, metonymy.

© 2016 А. В. Дроздов


В статье показано развитие наименований приемов пищи в британском, американском, канадском, австралийском, новозеландском вариантах английского языка и в мезолекте карибского варианта английского языка. Новые наименования приемов пищи в различных вариантах английского языка образуются в соответствии с синекдохой. На основании синекдохи образовано понятие tea ‘завтрак’ в мезолекте КвА, tea ‘ужин’ – в НЗА.

Ключевые слова: первичный национальный вариант, парадигма, развитие, приемы пищи, общее ядро, заимствование,  метонимия.


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7. Bickerton, D. (1986). Creoles and West African languages: a case of mistaken identity? In P. Muysken & N. Smith Substrata versus Universals in Creole genesis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Pp. 25-41.

8. Deuber, D. (2014). English in the Caribbean: Variation, Style and Standards in Jamaica and Trinidad. New York: Cambridge University Press.

9. Hickey, R. (2013). Standards of English: Codified varieties around the world. New York: Cambridge University Press.

10. Jenkins, J. (2009). World Englishes: A Resource Book for Students (Routledge English Language Introductions). London; New York.

11. Meierkord, Ch. (2012). Interaction across Englishes: Linguistic choices in local and International contact situations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

12. Mufwene, S. (2015). The Universalist and substrate hypotheses complement one another. In P. Muysken & N. Smith Substrata versus Universals in Creole genesis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Pp.129-162.


1. Starichenko, V. D. (2008). Bolshoy lingvisticheskiy slovar [Big linguistic Dictionary]. Rostov na Donu: Feniks.

2. Allsopp, R. (1996). Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage. OUP.

3. Avis, W. S. (1991). A dictionary of canadianisms on historical principles. Toronto, Ontario, 1991. 927 p.

4. Compact Oxford English Dictionary. Complete text reproduced micrographically. N.Y.: Published in the USA by Oxford University Press Inc., 1993.

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7. Moore, B. (1999). The Australian Oxford Dictionary. Oxford University Press.

8. Nouveau Petit Larousse. Dictionnaire encyclopedique pour tous. Librairie Larousse, Paris, 1970.

9. Orsman, H. W. (1999). The Dictionary of New Zealand English. A Dictionary of New Zealandisms on historical principles. OUP. Auckland.

10. Ramson, W. S. (1997). The Australian National dictionary. A dictionary of Australianisms on historical principles. Melbourne.

11. Shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principles / C. T. Onions (ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964.

12. Webster’s New World Dictionary of American English / Eds. V. Neufeldt, D. B. Guralnik. New York, 1986.

13. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged / Editor-in-chief Philip B. Gove PhD and the Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff. Cologne, 1993.


1. Carter, D. (1957). Fatherless sons. M.: Foreign Languages Publishing House.

2. Leacock, S. (1963). Perfect Lover’s Guide and other stories. Moscow.

3. Seton-Thompson, E. (1956). Lobo, the king of Currumpaw and other stories. M.: Foreign Languages Publishing House.